Chapter 5:
Pricing Strategies for Competitive Advantage
Author Information
Khalid Hafeez
Assistant Professor of Business Administration
Department of Business Administration, SZABUL University, Karachi, Pakistan
Mannar Ahmed
Editorial Manager
Eurasian Research Institute, London, United Kingdom
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Hafeez, K., Ahmed, M. (2024). Pricing Strategies for Competitive Advantage. In: Lee, S., Ahmad, A., Tharpe, C. T., Escalada, S. M. (eds) Strategies for Brand Communications and Management. Great Britain Press and Publications.
Editors and Affiliations
Sungho Lee
Professor of Marketing
University of Seoul, South Korea
Anees Ahmad
Assistant Professor, Marketing
International Management Institute, Kolkata, India
Contrecia T. Tharpe
Founder and CEO
FayeVaughn Creative, New York, United States
Santiago Mayorga Escalada
Associate Professor
Communication Sciences International University of La Rioja, Spain